Promo codes for PDXWalk app, or in app Map purchase. (Must opt in to beta first home)
New for July 2023: Promo codes for PDXWalk-Lite app, or in app Map purchase. (Must opt in to beta first home)
Updated: December 11, 2022. (First come first get. Codes expire February 1, 2022. Begins December 11, 2022.)
Updated: July 22, 2023. (First come first get. Expires September 1, 2023.)
Updated: January 1, 2022. (First come first get. Expires March 31, 2022. Begins January 2.)
Updated: July 22, 2023. (First come first get. Expires September 1, 2023.)
Updated: February 15, 2022. (First come first get. Expires March 31, 2022. Begins February 15.)